Welcome to Healing For Divorced and Separated Adults

In today’s society family structures are shifting and experiencing a growing number of divorces and separations. It is important to realize that church families are also affected to a greater extent than in previous times. Lawton (2009) in his book, The marriage relationship, described that divorces and separations belonging to the Christian Community apparently suffer most; and unnecessarily so because of attitudes in the church towards divorce and separation. There has been much research to show a number of causes why divorces and separations may occur and the effects could be seen in the home, community, church and workplace. However, research has shown that the church can be a place of healing for divorced and separated adults (1Corinthians12:28 KJV). The researcher sought to determine whether the provision of counselling and special classes within the church for divorced and separated adults can assist in their emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal recovery.


I trust that as you browse, you would be enlightened by the findings of my research and that you would discover that the Church can be a powerful place of support to help families deal with the challenges they are facing through divorce or separation.



Perhaps you, or someone you know, have gone through a divorce or separation. Maybe the healing process has been a very difficult one. Then let us take this journey together as we examine the effects the divorced or separated adults experienced, and the possible support of the Local Church that may be able to assist them to recover holistically.